Saturday 23 January 2016

20 mindfulness activities

We can (and should) practice being mindful every day. It's not always easy to start with, especially if you're stressed, but that is why you should! Here is a list of activities that you can try being mindful with. Fully concentrate on the task, letting any negative thoughts float away.

Some things to keep in mind or concentrate on while doing these tasks..

  • The small details that you may have otherwise missed 
  • The smells, textures or tastes around 
  • any judgements that you think of while doing the activity. 
So let's get started with the list! (try something new from it)

  1. Colouring in (there are plenty of adult colour books around now
  2. Yoga
  3. Walking in the countryside
  4. Taking a bubble bath (too really focus on your senses, treat yourself to a nice bath bomb!)
  5. Doing puzzles (crosswords, arrow words, jigsaw)
  6. Learning about something that interests you 
  7. Reading 
  8. Drawing / doodling 
  9. Breathing exercises 
  10. Mediation
  11. eating
  12. Being mindful when strong emotions arise. where do you feel them? Is there any physical changes in your body?
  13. Listening to music 
  14. Watching a film
  15. Walking the dog
  16. Baking 
  17. Write a novel 
  18. Write a poem
  19. Follow a tutorial or craft video
  20. make or create something
Basically you can do most things mindfully! Give it a try today!