Monday 18 August 2014

What is borderline personality disorder?

  • Borderline personality disorder does not mean having multiple personalities. 
  • BPD means being prone to have extreme mood swings and intense emotions, either being good or bad. 
  • Self harm or self destructive behaviours are often used as coping methods for the intense emotions.
Traits of BPD:
  • Quick changes in mood, which can be very intense. 
  • Extreme fear or reactions to abandonment (personally one of my hardest traits to deal with)
  • difficulty expressing anger 
  • feelings of lost identity (Not knowing who you are)
  • self harm and suicidal thoughts/attempts
  • Depression and feelings of emptiness

There has been some debate on what causes BPD and it is thought that genes do play a part but it can also be caused by trauma in early life, neglect or physical or sexual abuse.  Most people with BPD and I agree with this, say that even from an early age they were highly sensitive and felt very emotional. 

I will do a blog post on treatments and go into detail about some of the traits but for now I just wanted ot give you a brief outline of the condition. 

Talk soon, 
Becky x

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