Monday 13 October 2014

My list of little 'pick me ups' and distraction tools. - Part 1

Over the years of dealing with distressing emotions, its taken me a while to finally find things that can help if I give them a chance. Sometimes all I want to do is hide under the covers of my bed and cry till there is nothing left, but I have to fight that urge and try some other things, with the hope that I'll feel even a little bit better.

So here is a list of things that may inspire you to try when your next feeling down.

  1. Watching Ted talks. After a serious break up, I found comfort in hearing stories from people who have been to hell and back and have had the motivation to carry on. Ted has tonnes of great talks about so many different topics that can get you thinking outside the box and distract you from your negative trail of thoughts. My favourite talks are: 'F--- YOU, how to stop screwing yourself over' by Mel Robbins. 'Why we chose suicide' by Mark Henick, and 'To this day...' by Shane Koyczan. All of these and many more are on youtube. 
  2. Setting Goals. Having something to aim for or things you want to try is good motivation to keep going and also adds a little excitement for the future. Try a classic 'Bucket list', writing down everything you want to do before you die. Or maybe setting yourself some personal goals, like aiming to write in your journal everyday or planning to walk 15 minutes a day (One in which I tried before I got my puppy, now I have no choice!). Some of my goals include, hitting '700' likes on my facebook page and reading 50 books this year. 
  3. Turning how you feel into something creative. Its fair to say that most of my personal work has come from distressing emotions and I guess in a way I have to thankful that those darker times that gave me that creativity. You can channel how you feel into your work in so many different ways, from poetry to painting or song writing. The best work often comes from the most painful experiences.  Below is an example of a photo I took when I was feeling suicidal. 

  4. Meeting friends. I have to admit that I have, in the past, found this very difficult to do when I'm in a depressive state. The last thing I want to do it see anyone, let alone my friends, who I think wouldn't understand. BUT over time you get to realise who you can trust and who you can lean on, and there is no shame in asking them for help! In fact they would probably feel very happy to help in anyway they can (and if they don't then they really aren't worth your friendship).Talk to them if you feel comfortable, or just sitting with them watching a film can make the world of difference. 
  5. Do something for someone else. Sometimes, by doing something for someone else you take the attention away from your troubles and focus on someone else's needs. Things you can do include: Planning a birthday event for a friend, making a gift for someone, joining a volunteer group (Something that really helped me), walking someone else's dog, write a letter to a solider or sick child (there are a few different websites where you can find different info about this, google it) 
  6. Educating yourself or building a new skill. Learning something new often takes a lot of concentration, and therefore is a great distraction! If you find this difficult, maybe write a list first of all things you could like to learn in life, start with simple questions such as 'How many different languages are there?' and when your feeling down pick and question and go find the answer! Other skills you could try are, learning an instrument, researching about the solar system, trying new recipes. 
  7. Try to laugh. This can seem almost impossible when your in such a dark place, but deep down there is a strong you, willing to come out. Sometimes watching things that usually make me laugh can at least raise a smile when I'm down and studies show that even smiling can improve your mood. Write a list of things that have made you really laugh before, and I mean, a proper belly, tearful laugh, whether it be a memory, a youtube clip or even tumblr post, write it down and look at it when your low. 
This is only part 1 as I'm sure there are many more things you can do. Sometimes it may help, other times it may not, but even trying is great! 

Stay strong.

Becky x

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