Tuesday 28 October 2014

Common thinking errors.

Black or white: This is similar to the all or nothing thinking. For example ‘I failed my driving test, Im a horrible driver and should give up.’
Over-generalization: One unfortunate event leads to the assumption that it will happen every time.
Mental filter: Picking out and dwelling on negative details.
Disqualifying the positive: Successes are seen as flukes.
Catastrophizing:  exaggerating your own imperfections
Emotional reasoning: taking feelings as facts. For example ‘I feel fat, therefore I am fat.’
Personalization: Blaming everything on yourself. 

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, you are saying right about common thinking errors. Well, according to me, sometime we put a fixed, global label on ourselves or others without considering that the evidence might more reasonably lead to a less disastrous conclusion.
